Monday, 31 December 2012

Support "Resonance" and Support Underground Music!

As more and more people are waking up to smell the passionless plastic coffee of the mainstream music industry, there is a gaping hole in the market that needs to be filled as a method of enticing listeners into a place of passion, invigoration and downright refreshment.

Step forward 'The Laboratory Project', who are aiming to do just that. By teaming up with a host of fantastic underground artists from across this great land, they have come together to produce "Resonance", a 19 track compilation album featuring a magnitude of musical genres from roots reggae to the psychedelic sixties with brief visits to everything else in between.
The sole purpose for the production and release of "Resonance" is simply twofold, firstly the 'Laboratory Project' wanted to give exposure and recognition to a range of talented artists, both off and on stage. Secondly, they also wanted to put the sceptism and myths surrounding unsigned music to bed,  by aiming to propel underground music into the heart's, souls and ears of the masses.
In true independent style, 'The Laboratory Project' are not gaining any financial reward from this collaboration, instead half of the profits are heading towards the artists and the remaining 50% are being re-invested into the unique charity '', who provide fantastic opportunities for fellow underground musicians to create a platform in which they can sell and distribute their work.
After an outstanding launch gig at Fac251 on 14th December (click here to read review) that gave us a cracking insight into the delights that you can expect to find on the album,  we are sure that this compilation will introduce you to a range artists you will instantly become a fan of.
By purchasing this album you are not only supporting the artists, '' and 'The Laboratory Project', you are more importantly supporting the future of independent and underground music.
Clint Boon: "I’m always really keen to support individuals and bands trying to get a break in the music industry. ‘Resonance’ is a no brainer for me"
Peter Hook: "The Laboratory Project are about new music and artists and its great that they’re helping up and coming bands with their Resonance album which also benefits the charity"
Released on 31/12/2012 (NYE) you can purchase from the following outlets:
Until next time,
Keep away from the gin,

BF x

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