Thursday, 13 December 2012

A big journey ahead for Little Green Cars.

In a world where artist expectations are so often pummelled up into a musical pulp after only a couple of whirlwind months and the 'next big thing' is filled with more hot air than George Osbourne. At this point, you could well be forgiven for thinking that we've been led down the garden path yet again with Little Green Cars being labelled on the 'BBC's sound of 2013' list, but there is definite proof to this five piece's pudding.

Hailing from Dublin, Little Green Cars are best described as a younger, less bearded version of 'The Magic Numbers' playing their own brand of Irish, alternative, country-rock, however in reality they sound and appear much better than this pigeon holed description.
Through the recent release of their debut single 'The John Wayne', it is clear that Little Green Cars have presented much more than a solid opening single, but in fact they have delivered a statement of intent for everyone in the music world to sit up and take notice of these young Irish whippersnappers. With the striking guitars up against a stomping drum beat, it provides a hauntingly simple skeleton, which combined with the flawless boy/girl harmonies and emotive lyrics, they create an ocean of romance and expression, well beyond their tender years. The rousing arrangement of the harmonies in their songwriting is beautifully crafted to provide maximum intrigue over the songs' direction, as well as enough warmth to keep you toasty on the most chilliest of winter mornings.
The powerhouse punch that Faye O'Rourke's voice possesses draws up obvious similarities to 'Siouxsie Sioux (Siouxsie and the Banshees)'  especially when it is added to one of their most stirring songs, 'My Love Took Me Down To The River (To Silence Me)'. However, O'Rourke's voice also carries a dainty rearguard, which blended into the unmistakable harmonies and melodies of 'Harper Lee' creates a most perfect folk-pop song, that even a 'Fleet Fox' would appreciate.
Little Green Cars - 'The John Wayne'

The glowing melodic tones and structure that the band has developed is easily identifiable through the craft of 'Arcade Fire', 'The Shins' and even 'Neil Young', although the recent prominence of 'Mumford and Sons' and 'Two Door Cinema Club' has already cemented the apprentice slot on the US label Glassnote to Little Green Cars. From only the smallest insight into their existence, it is clear that Little Green Cars not only possess the commercial appeal, but also the artistic appeal to successfully bookend the Atlantic Ocean and reap their much deserved reward within America's competitive heartland.

Evidently, lazy journalists may raise questions in relation to the band's songwriting depth and commerical sustainability. However so far so bloody good!! With them recently being featured on national radio stations in the UK and in the US, which goes hand in hand with their niche quality of  writing simplistic yet rousing songs.

Catch them while you can at The Soup Kitchen (Manchester) - Wednesday 27th February 2013.

Little Green Cars -
'My Love Took Me Down To The River (Silence To Me)'

BF x

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